Monday, August 12, 2013

Week 5 - Overview and Reflection of Course

It is evident that there is research constantly going on around us on a daily basis.  The question is: are we using it to our advantage and are we playing an active role in that research?  I have found through this course that in order to take on a problem you must dive in feet first, dive into research that is.  Taking part in action research allows for us as educators to use the knowledge and skill we are constantly encouraging our students to use in order to help them become more successful.  I went into this course thinking it was going to be about research, in the traditional sense.  I imagined being assigned a boring topic, looking up journals, reading, reading, and reading some more. However, my misconceptions were quickly corrected. 
I will admit that I was skeptical at first.  I always considered “bloggers” to be very presumptuous to think that their life was SO important and interesting that others would want to constantly read their witty remarks.  I had not considered its powerful impacts in communication and educational settings.  It is a quick and easy way to share information, ideas and to receive input on ways to improve your own work.  It is much more useful than I anticipated and this course has opened my eyes to it.  I hope I continue to use it in ways that will benefit my Action Research Plan.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Week 4 Overview and ARP Adjustments

I will be asking Teachers to take a survey for my Action Research Plan. I was concerned about what would be the best way to go about conducting this survey without adding to the already busy schedules of teacher but I received some useful feedback from my peers.

This will be my first attempt at creating a survey and I was not sure where to start. One peer suggested a website that helps create simple and easy surveys.

Another peer suggested making the survey electronically through the system Eduphoria, which our campus already uses; I was relieved to find this out. I would have never known this was possible without the feedback from my classmate. 

I was also glad to hear that most teachers are willing to help in most cases when it comes to improving the success of students. I know first-hand how valuable the time of a teacher is and the last thing I want to do is waste any ones time.

Also, thanks to Brit. I will be looking into other's research on my topic of extra-curricular students and their academics/attendance.